Uzma Fatima Husaini

Office hours: By appointment
Dr. Uzma Husaini is an instructor in Tajwid with a license to teach the subject from Shaykh Shukri al-Lahafy, which she acquired in 2004. At Zaytuna College, Dr. Husaini has taught Tajwid and served as a teacher’s assistant for Freshman Seminar, Ethics, Sacred Astronomy, Theology, Prophetic Biography, Logic, and Islamic Law.
Dr. Husaini received her PhD at the Graduate Theological Union; her thesis is titled “The Role of Tajwid in the Preservation of the Qur’an.”
Prior to her post at Zaytuna College, Dr. Husaini served as an instructor in Islamic Studies at Las Positas College and as an instructor in English at California State University.
Dr. Husaini joined Zaytuna College in 2010.