• About

    In 2009, Zaytuna College was founded in Berkeley, California, with a mission that called for grounding students in the Islamic scholarly tradition as well as in the cultural currents and critical ideas shaping modern society.

  • Academics

    As a Muslim liberal arts college in the West, Zaytuna offers a curriculum that provides its students with a foundation in the intellectual heritage of two major world civilizations: the Islamic and the Western.

  • Admissions & Aid

    Our mission is to educate students to become morally, intellectually, and spiritually accomplished individuals ready to contribute to our contemporary world in ways that are proportionate to their gifts and to the needs of human society.

  • Campus Life

    Zaytuna’s campus is on Holy Hill and students enter the College as part of a cohort, a community of learners that travel together through the curriculum.

The Reliance of the Traveler: A Terminus in the Journey of Shafi'i Fiqh

Imam Zaid Shakir

The Reliance of the Traveler: A Terminus in the Journey of Shafi'i Fiqh

Shafi’i Fiqh is characterized by the diversity of its sources. Imam Shafi’i received his initial training in Mecca and mastered the legal school of Medina at the hands of great Imam Malik. He then collaborated with a leading student of Imam Abu Hanifa, Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Shaybani, himself a jurist of the highest rank. The final iteration of his school during its formative stage occurred in Egypt, home of Imam Layth bin Sa’d. This lecture will examine the origin, development, and features of the Shafi’i school, culminating with the work of Imams al-Rafi’i and Nawawi, which ibn Naqib al-Misri synthesizes in The Reliance of the Traveler.