• About

    In 2009, Zaytuna College was founded in Berkeley, California, with a mission that called for grounding students in the Islamic scholarly tradition as well as in the cultural currents and critical ideas shaping modern society.

  • Academics

    As a Muslim liberal arts college in the West, Zaytuna offers a curriculum that provides its students with a foundation in the intellectual heritage of two major world civilizations: the Islamic and the Western.

  • Admissions & Aid

    Our mission is to educate students to become morally, intellectually, and spiritually accomplished individuals ready to contribute to our contemporary world in ways that are proportionate to their gifts and to the needs of human society.

  • Campus Life

    Zaytuna’s campus is on Holy Hill and students enter the College as part of a cohort, a community of learners that travel together through the curriculum.

Fighting the Dangers of False Pride

by Abdullah bin Hamid Ali

Fighting the Dangers of False Pride

Imam Muslim reports in his Sahih that the Messenger of God—God’s blessing and peace on him—said, “God revealed to me [the commandment], ‘Practice humility until no one oppresses or belittles another.’”1 The opposite of humility is pride. And pride, according to the Qur’an, was Satan’s most salient vice. The counsel of Al-Hasan Al-Basri was to “entertain hope for repentance from those whose sins are from passion. And entertain no hope for repentance from those whose sins are from pride.” When Adam sinned, he asked God for forgiveness. When Satan sinned, he asked God for respite.

In a time when perversion and vice are proudly celebrated, such words are stark reminders of the latent dangers of pride. We learn from our spiritual masters that anger emerges from egoism; we get angry because we see ourselves. Things are even worse when we seek the attention of others. Every person is infected with the innate desire for importance and superiority. Despite it being a vice, in certain ways it seems to be an important part of psychological well-being.

“The counsel of Al-Hasan Al-Basri was to “entertain hope for repentance from those whose sins are from passion. And entertain no hope for repentance from those whose sins are from pride.””

That the Qur’an does not explicitly answer whether Eve came from Adam, whether Jews are better than Arabs, or whether the first person was a “black” man (rajul aswad) has much to do with the fact that such answers promote false pride. God desires for men and women to practice humility. And sex, race, and color are all involuntary conditions. Characteristics infused into the human biology are not the result of human will. It is, rather, a product of God’s handiwork. Is it reasonable to scorn God’s handiwork? Blessings are to be met with gratitude. Blessings, however, may conceal great misfortune revealed only by time.

Misogyny, misandry, racism, and uncritical tribal allegiance are unhealthy and needlessly alienating. They are toxic ideologies that degenerate into putative biological superiority, scientific racism, eugenics, and the underestimation of human worth. We are all called to humility and discouraged from false pride. Pride can be fatal, both materially and spiritually. The aforementioned prophetic tradition makes clear that pride is the primary catalyst for oppression and belittlement. Only God is truly worthy of pride. Proud people practice a satanic religion that eventually manifests itself in destructive ways. May God protect us all—from ourselves.