• About

    In 2009, Zaytuna College was founded in Berkeley, California, with a mission that called for grounding students in the Islamic scholarly tradition as well as in the cultural currents and critical ideas shaping modern society.

  • Academics

    As a Muslim liberal arts college in the West, Zaytuna offers a curriculum that provides its students with a foundation in the intellectual heritage of two major world civilizations: the Islamic and the Western.

  • Admissions & Aid

    Our mission is to educate students to become morally, intellectually, and spiritually accomplished individuals ready to contribute to our contemporary world in ways that are proportionate to their gifts and to the needs of human society.

  • Campus Life

    Zaytuna’s campus is on Holy Hill and students enter the College as part of a cohort, a community of learners that travel together through the curriculum.

Zaytuna Day: Sunday, August 4th

Welcome to a Community of Learning

The Zaytuna Curriculum Series

The Combinatorial House of Wisdom

The Zaytuna Curriculum Series

Alfarabi, Book of Letters

Are you with us?

Join the 12000 Strong Community

The Heart of Our Campus

In this video, join Ustadh Feraidoon Mojadedi to visit the Zaytuna College musalla. This new project is a central place for students, faculty, and staff to come together and pray the daily prayers in jama’ah, as the Holy Prophet ﷺ urged us to. This blessed place is a sanctuary from the world, from which the call to prayer crosses the campus. We’re delighted to share this milestone with you and need your support to finish this project.

Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts and Islamic Studies

Zaytuna’s bachelor of arts program is founded on an integral liberal arts curriculum, consisting of courses from both the Islamic and Euro-American traditions of higher learning.

Master’s Degree in Islamic Texts


Zaytuna’s master of arts degree in Islamic texts is intended to provide students with higher-level access to the Islamic tradition through a guided course of study in Islam’s primary sources.

Look at What You've Built

A message from President Hamza Yusuf showing what your support has accomplished today. We still have much to do and we count on your support for the years ahead.

News & Calendar

Make a Donation

As inheritors of a great tradition, we’re committed to educating tomorrow’s leaders and contributing to the commonweal today, through public scholarship and education. Your gift of knowledge helps our students—unburdened by debt and empowered by the study of the Islamic and the Euro-American intellectual traditions—begin to transform the world, God-willing.